07Sep Compromise Agreements – An Employees Guide If you are unfortunate enough to have been made redundant you may be asked sign a compromise [...]
19Jul Right to Buy Conveyancing Quote Right to Buy (RTB) is back on the agenda for many council tenants following the increase in the [...]
18May Do I need a lease extension if I have a share of freehold? If you have a ‘short lease’ the answer is often yes. When you come to sell and on [...]
Builders fined after pedestrian hit by equipment A major building company has been fined by Westminster Magistrates’ Court after a woman waiting [...]
28Feb Empty Property – Land Registry Restriction Initiative to Fight Fraud Home owners who do not live at their property can now make a request to the Land Registry to [...]
26Jan Changes to Employment Law The government has stated that it intends to bring into force a number of changes to employment [...]
19Jan Dividing your property into flats – creation of a new lease Small developers and land owners often find that banks and building societies are only prepared [...]
19Dec Business Rates on Empty Shops – Charity Commission Investigates The Charity Commission are investigating claims, following an article by the Financial Times, [...]
Over 60s increasingly filing for divorce More and more elderly couples are filing for divorce in the UK, new figures have revealed. Data [...]
Move to force registration of hairdressers blocked A motion by a former hairdressing MP to force all salons to register with a professional body [...]